Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I think it is safe to say that each year brings new adventures as well as challenges, but despite the inevitable ups and downs, by the end of each one I always feel grateful for new experiences. This year has been no different. I can only wish 2015 will teach me as much as 2014 did, and that with getting older, I'll only get to appreciate more the opportunities I have been graced with in my life.
With no further ado, let me share with You a recap of the past year. So many good memories!

Three years ago I made a pact with myself that I'll welcome every new year in another city. First, I rung in 2012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, another year I was fortunate enough to move to America where in Miami, I celebrated 2013. Twelve months ago I took a trip to California and spent my NYE and Day in San Diego. Let's where I'll end up this year!

In February I finally listened to my gut (and a lot of my friends) and decided to start a blog. I knew I had a lot of material and experiences I wanted to share with my readers and utilizing it all in a form of a personal blog seemed like a perfect idea. For 2015 I only wish I'll get to share what I do with more and more people, influence others to follow their dreams and will keep being inspired and creative. There is still so much I can do and learn, I'm just happy I decided to take up this challenge. 

Spring break in Florida. Always fun and adventurous and I get to spend time with my dear friends. 
New York City is always a great idea. This was probably about 8th time I've visited the city, and let me just say, I still haven't gotten enough of it (and taking pictures while I'm there) :)

The wonderful cross-country adventure I took on with my college friend from Poland. We traveled for about 2 months, got to meet amazing people and well, ate a lot of guilty food ;) We couchsurfed, conquered Chicago, Nashville, Memphis, Austin and ended up in Las Vegas to celebrate my turning 24. Do I need to say more?
August was a month full of love, as my (another) dear friend from Poland moved to America and got married to the love of her life. I got to be the maid of honor for the first time in my life, and well, it truly was an honor. I still cannot hide my excitement to this day. I get to have my best friend living 3 hours away from me, which only says one thing, she truly is my soul sister.
Fun, new experiences always happen over amazing concerts. Weekend-long ones are even better. This was the second time I attended Made in America Music Festival over a Labor Day weekend in Philadelphia, and it sure won't be the last one. Whenever I go, I always have the time of my life, dance until my feet can no longer serve, and meet interesting people. 

Halloween this year was particularly special because of this little (huuuuuge) shout out. I modestly participated in one of the contests held for DIY Halloween costumes and needless to say, was so excited when I happened to make it on her site with my Big Bird costume tutorial. It may seem like a little thing, but being recognized by this brand and what it represents, was a huge deal to me. It helped me realize how much I enjoy what I do and that I can only get better at it.

Getting to spend Christmas in a Polish manner with my best friend and her family really meant a lot to me this year. It's been a third year when I don't get to see my family for holidays. but being with my dear friends always makes up for that. I am so grateful for that opportunity!

Now it's time to walk into a new year, and YOU better do it in style!

Happy celebrations!


Tuesday, December 30, 2014


We are officially only one day away from 2015 and to be honest I can't wait to see what the new year brings. Just as this past year was full of surprises and adventures, I hope the new one will be just as good, if not better :)

As for the dress, this little black one is as simple as I like my style to be. I know NYE is about sparkly and going-all-out kind of dresses, but for me this off-the-shoulder number will do. It fits perfectly, complements my body shape and is just a right amount of sexy for that last night of the year ;) I got it off of ASOS for under $30 (win win!) but guess what, now you can have it for less than $20! Happy New Year!

To get a dress go HERE. Also, if you're a fan of off the shoulder dresses and tops, asos has a great selection of them. It won't hurt to check them out and give yourself a little gift for 2015 :)

Thank You everyone for all your support in 2014! I only hope that I'll always have as amazing people by my side as I have right now. For years to come. Cheers to YOU!


Dziekuje Wam wszystkim za wsparcie przez ostatni rok. Mam nadzieje, ze wspaniali ludzie, ktorych mam przy boku zarowno jak i tam daleko, beda zawsze ze mna. Rok za rokiem.


P.S. Don't forget to dance your little butts off tomorrow!
       Nie zapomnijcie przetanczyc calej nocy jutro!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Whenever I travel, I always pay attention to houses people live in. I find it interesting to see how architecture patterns change from state to state. You can only imagine how excited I was when we decided to head down South. I knew we were going to find some treasure houses. Today I will share just a few of them. Unfortunately, it is hard to take a good photo when you're in the car, but I tried to capture whatever was interesting or just different the best I could. Here it goes:

Gdy podróżuję, zawsze staram się przykuwać uwagę to domów i mieszkań, ponieważ architektura w Ameryce ma to do siebie, że zmienia się drastycznie i niespodziewanie od stanu do stanu. Ba, od sąsiędztwa do sąsiędztwa rownież. Możecie sobie tylko wyobrazić jak nie mogłam doczekać się co odkryję na Południu Stanów. Mam dzisiaj dla Was kilka zdjęć tego co napotkałam na swojej drodze w Tennessee. Z góry przepraszam za jakość zdjęć, gdyż niektóre były robione z samochodu, a ponieważ nie mogłam oprzeć się okazji udokumentowania tego co widziałam, efekty bywają różne.

This is probably a classic picture representing what I thought I will find in Tennessee. It was actually a part of the house my friend Stephen lived in. How wonderful it could have been if only we got to spend some time over there talking about life on a summer night.

Klasyczne zdjęcie reprezentujące to czego spodziewałam się znalezć w Tennessee. Co więcej, był to akurat dom, w którym mieszkał mój znajomy Stephen, więc niedaleko musiałam szukać :) Jak wspaniale byłoby, gdybyśmy tylko mieli chwilę na spędzenie czasu na tej werandzie w letni wieczór. Na pewno niejedna wartościowa rozmowa o życiu by się tam nawiaząła.  

What I found new and different were curtains on the porch. I thought it's both lovely and weird, but most definitely they add a character to the whole building. Welcome to Tennessee!

To czego zdecydowanie nie spodziewałam się znalezć to firanki na werandzie. W sumie to i urocze i dziwne, ale z pewnoscią dodaje charakteru budynkowi. Witamy w Tennessee!

Chimney build in the front of the house. / Kominy wbudowane w przedzie domów.
Cute little houses. / Małe urocze domki.
 Some proud Texan representing the state in Tennessee. / Teksańczyk reprezentujący swój stan w Tennessee.

I hope you're having a great weekend so far!
Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy spędzają weekend w świetnych humorach!

Friday, December 26, 2014


Happy post-Christmas Friday everyone! I hope you already recovered from a food coma and you're ready to face the weekend! What a great gift to have a longer holiday break this year. I know most of people take a cyber timeout from blogging and social media, but for me this is the first time I actually have time to sit down and create more content, so I'm going to take advantage of that. 

For those of you who don't remember, I've been posting about my cross country travel experience for a while. So far I've covered New York City, Chicago and I'm in the midst of writing about Nashville, Tenn. For your convenience, all you have to do to check the posts about those cities simply click on the TRAVEL category, which you can find on the right side. If you are looking for a particular post about any given city I'v covered, type in a search box the city you're looking for and voila! All the posts under the wanted label will pop up.

Now, back to Nashville. On one peculiar day, we happened to get a flat tire. All day was planned out, we where all packed to go hiking and then boom, flat tire. Five of us in the car, we had to come up with a new plan. Thanks to our wonderful host Stephen, we were quickly given plenty of ideas. Since it was only our third day in Nashville, we decided to pay a quick visit to downtown before we headed to eat some mouthwatering Southern food.

Here's few snapshots from our riverfront walk overlooking the city.

Dowtown Nashville on the left, LP Field (home field of the NFL's Tennessee Titans and the Tennessee State University Tigers) on the right, Cumberland River in the middle.

I'm currently working on translating all of my posts to Polish, as I know the translate button doesn't work really great when it comes to all of written content. Some people (yes, including my mom :)) are having trouble with understanding what the post is about, so here I am. All I ask for is to please, bear with me, because it might take a while! .... I also have to brush up on my Polish, too! ;)

Enjoy the weekend!

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